Welcome to St Luke's Church, Brislington
This parish church has stood for almost 600 years as a witness to the beauty and welcome of God, and the care and faithfulness of generations of Christians.
On behalf of the whole worshipping community, we welcome you and pray that God will bless your visit.
We regularly hold one main service every Sunday at 10.00am.
On 1 December this includes our annual Toy & Gift Service.
Additional services in December are:-
8 December at 4.30pm – Christingle.
22 December at 6.30pm – Carols by Candlelight.
24 December at 4.00pm – Crib Service.
24 December at 11.15pm – Midnight Mass.
25 December at 10.00am – Christmas Day family friendly communion service.
Please contact us if we can be of help to you in any way.
New Vicar Licensing
Our new vicar - Rev Sarah Hancox is being licensed in church at a special service at 3.30pm on Sunday 10 March. Everyone is welcome to come to the service and refreshments afterwards.
Mothering Sunday
10 March is Mothers Day and we are celebrating this at St Luke's at our 10.00am service. We will have an exhibition of pictures of mums drawn by local children and during the service there will be an opportunity to make a mothers day posy. Refreshments after the...
About Us
St Luke’s Brislington is a special place: a village church within a city. Here you will find a warm-hearted, grass-roots community that loves God, cares for each other and is committed to this place.
We are pilgrims on a journey of faith. We are each at different stages of life and have arrived here from different church backgrounds, but we all find nourishment and pleasure in walking together. We care deeply about our church life, our parish community and our traditions, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously.