We are a group of people who worship together, and in doing so seek to experience and be changed by God’s love so that we might share our stories with those around us. The vision below represents our aspirations for the future. Some of these are already underway, while others are areas we want to develop. We hope this vision will continue to evolve as we pray and grow together.
We want St Luke’s Brislington to be:
A church of friendly welcome – inviting new people into the fold with joy and without judgement. Somewhere that former strangers feel safe to be themselves and to belong. A multi-generational family atmosphere, including families with young children, and people who live alone.
A church to encounter God afresh – through varied worship that is rooted in tradition yet re-imagined in accessible ways. A non-threatening and open environment that encourages people to pursue faith in Christ along their own spiritual path and as a collective.
A church that serves its community – helping Brislington to thrive, through collaboration with others and sustainable use of our skills and resources. Stitched into the fabric of community life, with strengthened links to schools, uniformed organisations, and those who may be vulnerable.
A church that is faithful to its tradition – celebrating the history and beauty of our building and offering a sacred space to calm anxious souls and lead people into prayer. To continue to be known as the village church, with a pulsing heartbeat of festivals, seasons and life events.
A church of kindness and refuge – renowned for its sincerity and pastoral care, whose primary message is the love of God made visible in Jesus. Somewhere ordinary people can be honest about their experiences and their sorrows, finding comfort and healing.