New Vicar Licensing

Our new vicar – Rev Sarah Hancox is being licensed in church at a special service at 3.30pm on Sunday 10 March. Everyone is welcome to come to the service and refreshments afterwards.

Mothering Sunday

10 March is Mothers Day and we are celebrating this at St Luke’s at our 10.00am service. We will have an exhibition of pictures of mums drawn by local children and during the service there will be an opportunity to make a mothers day posy. Refreshments after the...

New Vicar

Very pleased to say that next month we will have a new vicar. Rev Sarah Hancox will be installed as Priest in Charge at a special service at 3.30pm on Sunday 10 March.

Sunday 31 December

There is no service in St Luke’s on Sunday 31 December – everyone will be welcome at St Anne’s church for their service at 10am. We will be back at St Luke’s from Sunday 7 January 2024.

Happy Christmas

Our services this week  – 10am on Sunday, Worship Together Nativity. 4pm Crib Service. 11.15pm Midnight Communion.  And on Christmas Day we have a short Family Communion Service at 10.00am