Messy Church
Every third Saturday of the month
Don’t you find weekends can seem just as manic as the week, full of travelling to football, Primark or Tesco?
Wouldn’t it be good once a month to plan for some quality time with friends or family instead of rushing around?
Saturday mornings are just the time to relax after a busy week – and free-of-charge we’re offering just that opportunity in a large modern welcoming comfy space. Take time to meet with your neighbour, the grandchildren, uncles or cousins over delicious home-made baking, perhaps pasta and cake.
Have some fun with games, competitions, modelling and craft. While you’re busy find out how to know Jesus as your friend. Because healthy relationships matter so much we’re offering a free informal time that’s open to all ages to come together to share and enjoy each other’s company.
What’s more you don’t have to cook a meal for once.
Please note: We do ask that children remain accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
If you don’t have children please do come anyway and see how you can get involved.
Looking forward to welcoming you – just turn up and get Messy!
For further information please contact Rosemary Spada:
Saturday 3@8 is our time for shared prayer.
Nothing in our church can really move and grow except through God’s Spirit, and the way to ensure that we are together in prayer is to get together in prayer. The title
Saturday3@8 reminds us when the meeting takes place, and reminds us that God has promised to be with us when two or three are gathered in prayer.
We meet on the third Saturday of each month, at 8am in the morning. Please do come and participate in the spiritual and physical growth of St Luke’s Church.